Miyerkules, Mayo 1, 2013

•How would you describe cognitive informatics (CI)? Reflect on a plan of care that you have developed for a patient. How could cognitive informatics be used to create tools to help with this important work?

SAMPLE PICTURE,(hospitalbedsdepot.com)

                                                                                              > Cognitive informatics is a  information being process and was developed and improved by humans. and it was defined the PNNL as the multidisciplinary study of cognition and information sciences, which investigates human information processing mechanisms and processes and their engineering applications in computing(http://www.pnl.gov/cogInformatics/).
>In our field,  nurses do taking vital signs of their patient such as:BP,PR,RR,TEMP.Cognitive informatics could help us to have an  easier and better work by creating a new and improved hospital beds that has an auto height adjust and has electrical saver encase of electrical shortage, and would automatically get all the vital signs of the patient that will be transmitted to the nurse station and it will alarm if one off the vital signs of the patient is not normal or above the range . This bed will also be the one  to feed the patient because it has its own had to get food for patient. This would really help nurses in their works because they do not need to go to the room of the patient just to get the vital  signs instead they will just focus on the medication of the patient. by computing each dosage correctly to be more accurate in giving care. 

  • Think of a clinical settings you are familiar with and envisions artificial intelligence tools. 

    > Are there any current tool in use?

    there are many tool use in the hospitals that need to be improvised such as the ECG, Oxygen, Beds, etc. One of most important person in the hospital is the doctor because doctors are the one who do operations,orders medication, and it is he one who handle things in every critical situations. 

    >What tools would enhance practice in this setting.

    there are many tool use in the hospitals that need to be enhance and improvise such as the ECG, Oxygen, Beds, etc. all thing are made to be enhance, all things may have an artificial intelligence in the future because humans love explorations, experimentation and making new knowledge about technology.and  the day might come that the oxygen tank may already have feet to walk and hands to install automatically to the patient who's having a difficulty in breathing , But one thing  i have noticed when we are having our hospital duty is when  the patient is having an attack with his/her disease we still have to call the doctor using the telephone to inform that the patient is having an attack, before the doctor will be able to know and come to the patients room.

    In our modern generation, i have search in the internet and  found lots of new inventions being invented that has an artificial intelligence. and i have found a very interesting machine the RP-VITA autonomous robot this the first autonomous telemedicine robot that has been approved by FDA to be used in the hospital.and this is capable of automatically navigating hospitals while avoiding walls, people, and other obstacles in the process. Through the use of an iPad app that controls RP-VITA, doctors are able to check in on patients remotely. The robot includes built-in ports for diagnostic devices like ultrasound machines, stethoscopes, and otoscopes. In particular, the FDA's clearance allows RP-VITA to be used in "active patient monitoring in pre-operative, peri-operative and post-surgical settings, including cardiovascular, neurological, prenatal, psychological and critical care assessments and examinations"(By Chris Welch).

    If i am doing to enhance this machine i would like to put arms on it; so that this robot will be able to work on his own automatically, it can carry the medicine tray to bedside of the patient to also help the nurses.so that nurses will not be stress and will be able to think of the most therapeutic and effect5ive intervention.


    I have choose this one the  RP-VITA autonomous robot because it will help the doctors to have an easy work  because this robot do what doctors do.this robot do rounds to check all the doctors patients and it has already an diagnostic devices that would help the doctors to diagnose on what illness the patient has. this also save time and energy to the doctor.


Lunes, Abril 22, 2013

what does a nurse do?


Nurse does everything he/she can do to save life, it is a way of caring and helping for us.
Nurses are the one who give care to those people is sick and ill .
they also use to be a time conscious to check intravenous line and administering drugs to the patient. they also do give comfort when patient is experiencing pain. they also assess the patient condition and make a care plan according to the diagnosis and condition of the patient.

We nurses is also an educator, we educate not only the patient but also the family members so that they will be able to know on how provide care and safety to each member of their family. we are a multitasking person, we do become a  mother, a father, a sister and a brother. we do this because we want to serve and give care to those people who needs our care.

the foundation of knowledge model

  • How did you acquire knowledge?   
 I acquire knowledge through going to school, attending classes and listening to our teacher and we can also acquire knowledge  by acquiring it as an idea and a knowledge.As a nursing student i acquire knowledge through listening to our discussion, and in our discussion, I am learning and in other way having an idea.   To acquire knowledge, one must study; but acquire wisdom, one must observe. -Marilyn vos Savanta


  • How did you process knowledge?
I process knowledge through analyzing and knowing what is the problem of the specific situation .As a nursing student when we are having our hospital duty the first thing that i am going to do is to think and analyze what is the best therapeutic care that i can give to my patient. Analyzing and recapturing those technique that our class instructor thought to us.  is how knowledge being process.

  • How did you generate knowledge?
I generate knowledge through learning and experience because experience is the best way of learning.Generating knowledge is a knowledge being process based on what you have learned and experience. We do generating knowledge, in our hospital duty we experience different things,people and different diseases but we as a nurse handled it all. in that case we do processing our knowledge and as well as handling it in our own way.
  • How did you disseminate knowledge?
I disseminate knowledge through sharing of idea. As a nursing student  when we are having our community exposure and hospital duty we do health teaching, to us  it is a way of sharing our knowledge to them.we teach them on how to be healthy,clean and etc.
  • How did you use feedback and what was the effect of feedback on the foundation of your knowledge?
I use feedback as my inspiration whether it is good or bad.It inspire me to do better and give the best as i can to save life and to give care.The effects of feedback in the foundation of my knowledge  it makes me more determined to do my job to be more successful in the future."care is what we have service, service is what we have offered and cared".